How to Pick the Right Therapist

Choosing a therapist is difficult. There are so many great mental health professions out there, but not every one is a perfect fit. There are a few things to consider when picking a therapist: the location and availability, the speciality and services provided, and your personal connection with the professional.

To begin, you must consider the therapist's location and availability. After all, it does no good if the therapist cannot meet with you.
  • Is the therapist local? Is he/she in a location you would travel to weekly? 
  • Does the therapist offer online sessions? Are you comfortable doing online sessions?
  • Does the therapist have hours that coincide with your needs? Is the therapist available at night? Is the therapist available during the day or between your classes?
  • Is your therapist in your insurance plan? Can you get refunds or partial refunds from your insurance company?
Then, you should consider the speciality and services provided.
  • Does the therapist have a speciality or niche? Is eating disorder recovery one of those specialities?
  • Does the therapist offer individual, group, family, or couples therapy? Does the therapist have contacts who offer such? 
  • Does the therapist have contacts for a dietician?
Finally, none of this matters unless you feel comfortable with the therapist. If you cannot make a personal connection with the therapist, if you cannot be honest, you will likely see little or no benefit from therapy. 
  • Do you feel comfortable with the therapist? Can you be honest with him/her?
  • Does the therapist challenge you and hold you accountable?
  • Can you communicate clearly with the therapist? Do you both understand each other?
  • Do you respect each other?
With all these questions in mind, it is possible to pick the right mental health professional. It might take a couple of tries, but it is always possible to find the right fit. 


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